Modern & Unique Blog for WordPress
Fixed Widget PHP error when using Heavy Cache Systems.
Improved If LazyLoad is disabled, this will also apply to Author/Comments Avatars.
Improved Overall mobile space for comments area (now there is more space for comments text).
Improved Speed Optimization, now Custom Avatars dimensions can't be greater than 150px, this will improve rendering time and CLS.
Improved Speed Optimization, now Header Logo always will render an optimized version on Mobile device, this will improve LCP.
Improved Speed Optimization, Header Logo attributes and dimensions on mobile devices, this will greatly improve CLS.
Improved Theme Wizard image load method.
Improved SEO titles for Articles List.
Added Now Grid Sidebar module supports "Title".
Fixed Close button for header notice do not appear.
Fixed Multiple alignments for RTL version.
Fixed Minor jQuery warning.
Fixed Lazy Load script not found when Optimization is "OFF".
Improved Now Subscribe widget allow to upload media images.
Improved How Wavy Functions is being loaded.
Improved Now back to top appear after scrolling some content (on mobile devices).
Added Views Counter.
Added New Tagline option for Classic header on Theme options -> header.
Added Breadcrumbs, compatibility with Yoast, Rank Math and Navxt plugins.
Added Unlimited Social Profiles to individual authors.
Fixed 404 page footer border.
Fixed Duplicated sticky logo on mobile devices and classic header.
Fixed Sticky logo not assigned properly.
Fixed Close button do not appear on Header Notice.
Fixed Incorrect alignment when sidebar is activated on mobile devices.
Fixed Incorrect height for gallery and video post formats on mobile devices.
Improved Now current active link will be applied on mobile menu.
Added Unlimited Social Profiles on Theme Options -> Social Networks.
Added Editable title for Posts Carousel module.
Added RTL support.
Fixed Some fonts are not applied properly on the front-end.
Fixed Background color not working properly if wave color change.
Fixed Background images and pattern not applied properly.
Fixed Syntax Highlighter on Fluid ADS widget.
Improved Alignment for header subscribe button.
Improved Gradient buttons background.
Added New option to remove wave decorations on main titles.
Added Dutch language, special thanks to Sjoerd.
Added German language, special thanks to Markus.
Fixed Repeated avatar on comments area.
Fixed Incorrect size for Sticky Text Logo on mobile devices.
Fixed Enlarge image (WP 6.4) not working properly when Lazy load is enabled.
Improved How Sliders and Carousels are loaded.
Improved Posts Slider layout on mobile devices.
Improved Maximum size on Fullwidth pages.
Improved Lazy load on Post content.
Initial Release
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